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    Zack Snyder Goes From Metropolis to Afghanistan

    Zack Snyder has been Zack Snyder too long and while it benefited at first, it's become a hindrance. All that slow-motion action, overly-stylized cinematography and production design, etc.

    The Man of Steel is almost a Godsend for the director following three expensive flops. Keeping with his attempt to step away from his onscreen trademarks (Word is he's been held under the tightest of tight leashes since being hired for Superman), he's lined up his latest once he's done with the Last Son of Krypton.

    Twitchfilm reports he's set to helm The Last Photograph with Christian Bale and Sean Penn starring.

    For those who don't remember, this was the project that originated from an idea of Snyder's and he handed it off to his screenwriter Kurt Johnstad to work his magic on the keyboard. Snyder was initially going to keep it strictly as a producer first with Sergey Bodrov (Mongol: The Rise of Genghis Khan) and later Niels Arden Oplev (The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo) directing. Our pals at Pajiba first unearthed this for those curious.

    Don't know what's transpired between then and now, but Oplev is out and Snyder is sitting comfortably in his place. If The Man of Steel is the cash cow everyone at Warner Brothers is praying for with Harry Potter over, then there shouldn't be any real issues getting this Afghanistan War-set thriller from happening and Snyder gets to continue trying something new outside of his comfort zone. A win-win for everyone.

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