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    Laurence Fishburne IS Perry White in The Man of Steel

    The Man of Steel was already breaking ground by featuring the first non-American as Superman with Englishman Henry Cavill donning the red-and-blue suit.

    Entertainment Weekly says it'll also sport the first non-Caucasian Perry White: Laurence Fishburne.

    This I can get behind. I can't imagine too many folks who would be against this inspired bit of casting. Besides racist morons, of course. You can easily imagine Fishburne hounding the Daily Planet staff on a regular basis and bantering back and forth with Amy Adams' Lois Lane. He's come a long way since those Cowboy Curtis days on Pee-Wee's Playhouse. will his "Great Caesar's ghost!" delivery sound?

    Reader Comments (7)

    Didn't see this coming at all. I think its a great choice and from his previous work I can really picture him hounding his employees at the Planet, creating a very believable Perry White. With all the casting choices so far it's very much reminiscent of Batman Begins in my eyes.

    08-2-2011 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

    @Matt: well your eyes must be pretty ruined, pal

    08-2-2011 | Unregistered Commenter[A]

    Well it has been a while since I've been to the optometrist so I'll have that checked out later this week and let you know how it went.

    08-2-2011 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

    Is it wrong that I find this casting....ironic? (insert rim-shot here)

    I think this will be a great take on the character, though I'm not 100% behind it. It's not Fishburne, it's just that Lane Smith was so perfect in the role. He was literally my mental image of Perry brought to life. It just makes it hard for me to see anyone else in the role (good thing I'm not a casting director). I couldn't even get behind Langella and even Cooper didn't quite sit well with me as I got older. I expected to be somewhat disappointed, no matter who was cast, so I'm at least glad that they got a great actor for the role.

    08-2-2011 | Unregistered CommenterKal-El Fan

    What a fucking asshole the second commenter is. This is amazing casting. The cast is better than Begins was.

    08-2-2011 | Unregistered CommenterMitchy

    Great to hear perry white has finally been cast. Didn't expect them to play the race switch card though for the role. There where other actors I was hoping for like say alec baldwin. But fishbure is a very good actor. So curious to see how his take on perry white will be,

    08-3-2011 | Unregistered Commentermoviefan

    Who gives a crap if he's black! He's a good actor! That's what counts. It's good casting nuff said!

    08-3-2011 | Unregistered CommenterA2THEH

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