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    Jack & Jill Trailer - You've All Been Warned...

    You know...Adam Sandler seems like a really nice guy. I bet if I knew him in real life, he's just "one of the guys" and any one of us could sit back and enjoy some beers with him. I bet he treats his wife, children and mother nice too.

    But these comedies he chugs out once (sometimes twice) a year are just grating. I don't go see them, but the fact that they're flashed all over our television screens for marketing purposes and then we have to post the trailers and so forth. If you told me, he and Dennis Dugan spend most of their time together bullshitting about life, family, sports, etc. and only spend whole minutes (maybe even seconds) brain-storming their next comedy collaboration, I wouldn't doubt that.

    Which brings up to Jack & Jill, their latest future-blockbusters this coming November and a trailer you must see to believe thanks to Yahoo! Movies. Beside the two minutes worth of jokes of how Sandler is dressed as a woman and speaking in a cringe-worthy Jewish stereotype voice, they supplied one quality dick joke. Courtesy of Al Pacino, who should be ashamed of himself.

    Reader Comments (2)

    Where is the trailer all I saw was crap. Actual human feces for 2 minutes. Now I know what Stan Marsh feels like.

    07-8-2011 | Unregistered CommenterA2THEH

    The thing that has always sat ill-at ease with me is that his films tend to rely on crude, quite cynical, often mean spirited humour... but always resort to cheap sentimentality at the end. It's a shame, because he was Oscar worthy in Punch-Drunk Love and part of me would like to see him rival that performance... but I don't think that's ever going to happen.

    On a sidenote, I've walked out on 4 films at the cinema and two of them were starring Sandler.

    07-9-2011 | Unregistered Commenterwelshfilmbuff

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