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    Get Ready for More Awkward Sex Predicaments – American Reunion Red Band Teaser

    Universal is hoping you're feeling nostalgic for American Pie, the series for its day deemed the pinnacle of the R-rated raunchy comedy movement of the 2000s for my generation.

    MSN has the red band teaser trailer for next spring's American Reunion and it promises more awkward moments for Jim (Jason Biggs, evidently happy to be getting a paycheck), Michelle (Alyson Hannigan, who would have thought she'd be the one with the career?), Stifler (Sean William Scott) & Co.

    If you were big into that franchise (It was never my thing – I was more of a Kevin Smith kinda guy), then you should enjoy this:

    <a href='' target='_new' title=''American Reunion' movie trailer (mature)'>Video: 'American Reunion' movie trailer (mature)</a>

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