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    « TMT's Movie Moan: Episode 4 | Main | DreamWorks & Disney Together At Last? »

    MovieMoan - The Original Series: The Matrix Moaned


    Hello again my special friends, Phil Gee here delivering (on time thank goodness) another round of YouTube enhanced MovieMoan.

    For those who don't know yet (cause I haven't properly explained it but the name sort of gives it away), here is the pitch for our old live show 'MovieMoan':-


    "It never fails; a film, a series, or a franchise show so much potential for cinematic glory. We think we know how good it's going to be. We think it would be impossible to screw up such a good idea........and that's why we get so darn angry when it happens. If you still have bottled up rage about how your, potential favourite films turned to poo........then Movie Moan is for you.

    Tackling everything from the giant movie franchises of the past and present to the films you want to talk about, we won't just be discussing how these films went wrong. This is your chance to dream, pitch, and imagine how bad movies could have been so much better."


    And there's no better candidate for that than the Matrix sequels so sit back, relax and enjoy as Jamie Williams and myself eviscerate the Wachowski's masterwork in our own Matrix trilogy:-


    Reader Comments (2)

    I can't recall if I called in of the day of the original broadcast; but before I get into my thoughts (or re-thoughts?) on the matter, let me first say that I ound the videos here hilarious. Matrix set to "Thriller" (v#2) is close to classic. I also liked the car crash count...kind of.

    I'll start with that.
    What you and Jamie seem to forget is that while we may have seen, oh we'll say for the sake of arguement, 15 cars and/or trucks, I noted that you did include card that were shot up, nor did you take into account any cars that were used in various takes.

    Second, shooting two films back to back saves money, as it also has the majority of the cast around as opposed to waiting until all needed actors are again available. Also, you mention Back To The Future. Should I throw in Superman in there as well (despite the Donner contreversy regarding Supey II)? How about Lord Of The Rings? So the idea that "shooting films back to back is a terrible idea" isn't really sound to me. Even now there is that talk about shooting two Spider-man films back to back, maybe Batman, and recently, Harry Potter (although I think that's one adaptation split into two films, correct?)...the only one that didn't really work was Pirates 3.

    I didn't have a problem with the death(s) of the Twins. They went out in a neat fashion, and if explosions are the only way to stop them, that's fine. "We'll meet again" the Marvengian states. Well, in one sense, he and Neo DID. Agent Smith, of course, "infected" other programs within The Matrix; while not overtly stated, it is possible that, under the control of Smith, (*as a Smith*) they did in fact, meet again. Even if you didn't buy that, they did meet again- and The Marvengian did "trap" Neo in the subway.

    I disagree slightly with "the cliche" of the council- they are simply those running a form of government and peaceful order in Zion. I also agree that they aren't really needed-! It may be interesting to see more how Zion works as a society and all...but is that what the film is about? There were only a few generations of people living in Zion. While a sense of order is maintained, the machines are knocking on the door above...does a fuctional council really make a difference? I agree that there should have been an "assigned" military head of some sort on the council. As to the backstory "love triangle"- an issue isn't made much out of it, I didn't really "see" one there. There's not even a suggestion that Morpheus and Niobe are still together in the timeline of Matrix 2/3.

    02-7-2009 | Unregistered CommenterDarren J Seeley

    I'm so happy you liked the videos Darren. You did call in to the show, as did AjaxLou but the audio quality of the callers was really bad (Jamie and me weren't much better if you noticed) so you couldn't be included. You mentioned some of the points you've made here and I remember we disagreed on quite a few things regarding Matrix.

    You make a good point about the cars but I stand by my point that, given the reality bending potential of this universe and the money being spent (never mind that 300 GM cars were wrecked), and then to compare the sequence with the destruction we see in T3 & Bad Boys 2, it does not meet the expectations of the mass audience, in my opinion. I wanted to see CRAZY things happen on that freeway. I wanted to see Morpheus throw his samurai sword at twenty oncoming cars and knock all of them over like bowling pins (as an example). I just wanted more vehicular destruction.

    I don't have an issue with shooting sequels back to back (economically it works) except that filmmakers, most of the time it seems, feel like by doing that, they don't have to worry about creating a film that stands on its own two legs with a three act structure, with a theme and message of its own, with characters that pay off etc. Now I will say that Matrix 2 did have a theme and a point but it also had way too much that didn't pay off in that film or the third and just wasted time.

    Jamie will have to get back to you with the whole council thing. That was his rant.

    Thanks so much for commenting Darren and keep on moaning.

    02-9-2009 | Registered CommenterPhil Gee

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