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    « News, Rumors & 100% Grade-A Internet Bullshit - February 26, 2009 | Main | Samuel L Jackson Will Be Nick Fury Again After All »

    Total Remake

    Sure, we all love to do our Schwarzenegger impressions and what not.

    But dammit, the man had quiet a track-record back in the day including Paul Verhoeven's brilliant sci-fi actioner Total Recall - for my money, a film that still holds up to this day.

    So of course, it's time to remake it.

    This new "contemporary" version of Recall (which itself was an adaptation of a Phillip K. Dick-penned short story "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale") is being developed through Columbia Pictures and Original Films.

    I can already imagine this new take will be void of the whole "Is this reality or a dream?" question that lingered all throughout Recall, and was rightly never answered.

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    I just met and am working with a guy who worked for dreamquest on the original. I was meh about the first one so I hope this one is better.

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